Six Things to Know About Fixed-Rate Mortgages

When it comes to financing the purchase of a home, fixed-rate mortgages stand out as one of the most popular options available to borrowers. These mortgages feature a fixed interest rate that stays consistent over the loan’s duration, ensuring homeowners have steady and predictable monthly payments. Understanding the key aspects of fixed-rate mortgages can empower…

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Real Estate Market Forecast 2024

As we enter the second half of 2024, there’s one big question on everyone’s minds: what’s ahead for the real estate market in 2024? Will Home Prices Go Up or Down? Over the past year, there’s been a lot of mixed information about what will happen with home prices in the near future. Homes are staying…

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Tips to Sell Your Home Fast, in a Slower Market

A recent report indicates 77% of buyers won’t consider buying a home that isn’t move-in-ready. To capture the attention of potential buyers still in the market, consider these five quick updates: After your home is in perfect shape, remember these few things to keep it showing well: By following these steps and working closely with…

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The 8 Most Common Mistakes To Avoid as a Real Estate Agent

Many Realtors have to learn to build their business the hard way. However, learning from others can be helpful when starting out in real estate. Make sure to always partner with professionals, both other Realtors and loan officers to help you best serve your clients. Here some mistakes you want to avoid as you start…

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The Benefits and Power of a Home Mortgage

A calculator and some money on top of papers.

Owning a home ranks high on everyone’s wish list. It’s a symbol of stability, a hallmark of success, and a testament to a life well-lived. But for many, the leap from dreaming to opening the front door of your very own house is shrouded in uncertainty. If you’ve dared to calculate the cost, you may…

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Signs It’s Time to Consider Refinancing Your Home

A pen and house sitting on top of some mortgage papers.

Refinancing your home can be a great way to lower your monthly mortgage payments, get a lower interest rate, or cash out some of your home’s equity for other financial needs. But how do you know when it’s the right time to refinance? Here are some of the signs that indicate it might be time…

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